Moviez Phase



Friday, November 2, 2012

How To Create Your Life Purpose

I am sure you have been told “do what you love and the money will follow.”  For some, that is easy and known right away.  Tiger Woods comes to mind.  At a very young age, he knew what he wanted to do with his life and the money has certainly followed.

However, it seems for the overwhelming majority of us, either we didn't do what we love, we never truly found what we love, or the money simply didn't follow.

I initially fell in the second category.  I have a liking for many things.  I enjoy cars and sports, but not to the extent that money would ever follow me.  If anything, my love of cars has COST me money, not provided it.

Then I found personal development, leadership qualities and teaching those qualities.  No matter if it is one-on-one, in a group setting on stage or in a blog, I love to help others.  One way that I found this to be true was in studying personal development and finding what I believe to be one of the simplest methods to discover your life purpose.  It is a quick 4-step process that helps to hone in specifically on what your purpose is.  How to achieve that purpose is a whole other topic.

The 4-step process in creating your life purpose:

1. List two of your unique personal qualities.  For example, mine are creativity and perseverance.

2. Next, list one or two ways you enjoy expressing those qualities when interacting with others, such as to engage and to challenge.

3. Then, imagine the world is a perfect place and in the form similar to an affirmation, write two or three sentences of what the world is like and how people are interacting in it.  For example, my three sentences are: Everyone is strong and powerful, Everyone is equal, everyone is choosing their desired path.

4. Finally, put it all together starting with “My purpose”.  So, to finish up, My purpose is to use my creativity and perseverance to engage and challenge others to be strong and powerful in choosing their desired path.

That’s all there is to it.  Now that you know your how to create your life’s purpose, spread the news!  Let others know what it is.  Repeat it to yourself often and out loud.  Then, take action on how to develop a plan to lead a more fulfilling life doing what you love based on your purpose.

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