Moviez Phase



Thursday, August 21, 2014

Talent vs Hard work


Hard work beats talent all the time. For every extremely talented person who is getting on with minimal effort you will find a much less talented fellow is doing much better by working his bottom off. Hard work beats talent all of the time. And if you are fortunate to be extremely talented and extremely hardworking, you have won a life lottery.

You can have all the talent in the world but if you don't put some hard work into it, a guy with no talent but with just hard work will do better than you. In fact, when we say nothing is impossible we mean to achieve anything all it takes is just hard work and untiring dedication.

Hard work in itself can make you for any lack: lack of talent, lack of resources, lack of luck and lack of beauty. Because hard work itself is a form of talent that generates its own resources, creates its own luck and have its own beauty. 

There is something always charming about the hardworking. People find inspiration in the success and riches built on hard work than one built on talent or inheritance. And best of all, anyone can be hard working. There is no entry barrier. In fact, challenges only make its acquisition easier, not harder. 

The truth is you can be talented but failure to work hard to develop your talent makes your talent not to function or to come to lime-light. I love talent but I appreciate hard work, because hard work is what expands your talent; It announces, polishes and proclaim your ability for the world to see. 

Higher percentage of the greatest men and women in the world today weren’t talented. But they took the pain to strain their ability, push their muscles and focus on becoming the best in that particular area they found themselves. So, this makes them looks like they are talented but the fact is the are hard working.  

And once again, a hard working woman/man is never disadvantaged, because hard work beats talent all the time.

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