Moviez Phase



Friday, August 22, 2014

The Guilty One

Guilt is so powerful that it feels like a curse. Some of us wear our own version of the albatross by the people we choose to have around us. We ingest their problems, worries, and burdens, in addition to those of our kids or loved ones. In other words, we take on way more responsibility than we are supposed to carry.  

We become the fixers, the problem-solvers, or the bread winners. But we can sometimes misunderstand or misconstrue what we choose to put up with as our punishment for a choice we made in the past. This becomes our karma, our way of punishing ourselves for having indulged in inappropriate behavior, vices or relationships or for straying from the wishes of our family or our own values.

Our burden can also become our badge of honor, how we make ourselves feel worthy of being loved. We take on an extra burden to feel useful, needed, and to prove that we deserve to be loved or to prove to ourselves that we made the right decision to love who we love.

How many of us are choosing to carry our own guilt because it serves a purpose in some way? The guilt serves as an anchor that preserves the past and prevents the future from occurring. It keeps us from moving forward. It prevents us from possibility and happiness.   

You are the only one that can cut lose the heaviness and burden of guilt around your neck in the first place: You. Ask yourself if it is worth holding on to the emotions that inhibit happiness: guilt, anger, insecurity, resentment, and fear? Or are you making the choice to hang on to your albatross?

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