Moviez Phase



Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Beyond Your Reach

As humans we are constantly putting everything and everyone in their place. We size up people and come up with a limit to what they can do or afford. We define their reach. And as bad as that is, we don't stop there, we are constantly doing same to ourselves too. Without any verified reason we consider somethings beyond us. We are constantly erroneously defining our reach. We build a CAN'T do list.

It is said that the history of the world is a collection of the biographies of men who broke their limits. Men who did what no one thought they could have done. Men, who like Neil Armstrong, kept taking one small step after another beyond their comfort zone and one of their steps ended up becoming a giant leap for mankind. Musicians, physicians, engineers, architects, artists and athletes who went beyond their reach. They were the ones who added the most meaning to our lives and pushed the human race forward. If everyone had stayed within their limits the inventions we enjoy now would not have happened. You wouldn't even be reading this as there would be no internet and computers.
We often say the poorest man isn't the one with no money but the man with no dream. A dream is any ambition you have that is way beyond your current reach. For Aliko Dangote buying a private jet is not a dream because it is obviously within his current reach. But for most of us, it would be considered a dream. So even real poverty is not in lack of money but in living completely within your limits. Not going beyond your reach.

Though I think it's shallow to have dreams owning of a Ferrari or a private jet. Any dream that winning a lottery can fulfill is not a stellar way of stretching your limits. Think of the guy who came up with the idea of the Ferrari and turned it to a reality. Think of the owner of the company that manufactures the private jet. You are not inferior to them. Your dream should not be to be a big consumer. Stretch yourself creatively. Do what might never be done if you don't. Go where no one else has gone. Do what no one else has done. Don't leave within the mental box people have, with some assistance from you, built for you. 

Note all the limitations you have unconsciously placed yourself in and decide to break them.

This year, aim to be phenomenal and go beyond your reach!

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