Moviez Phase



Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Self Fulfilling Prophecy

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
For every action there is a reaction. Every action you take is a cause-set-in-motion. And every action you fail to take is a cause-set-in-motion. For every action you take, nature will return to you a reaction; either positive or negative. And remember that: Every action you take is preceded by a thought. 

So we can develop the following line of reasoning:
  1. Your thoughts influence your actions
  2. Your actions influence your external results
  3. Therefore your thoughts influence your external results.
  • If you keep thinking about food you will be motivated to eat.
  • If you keep thinking about running you will be motivated to run.
  • If you keep thinking about movies you will be motivated to watch more movies.
  • Whatever you think about, is the direction in which you will move.
  • As a leader and a manager; here is the point: 
 You become what you think about!
  1. If you think you will lose, then you are lost
  2. If you think you will win, then you gain confidence
  3. If you think he will reject your proposal, then he probably will
  4. You don't always get what you want: but you do tend to get what you expect.
This is called the self fulfilling prophecy. The economy is driven by expectations: Examples:
  • If the savers think the bank will collapse, then they will rush to withdraw their savings.
  • If the too many savers withdraw their savings from the bank, then the bank will collapse.
  • If you think that you are incapable of making a good speech to the conference, then you will feel nervous and full of self doubt.
  • If you are full of self doubt and nerves, then you will be incapable of making a good speech to the conference.
This is called the self fulfilling prophecy. The self fulfilling prophecy can work for you or against you. Make it work for you, by controlling the thoughts that you allow to remain in your mind. You are a being with the capacity to choose. 

The primary choice you have is this: what to think about? All other choices proceed from that primary choice. All great leaders are aware of the power they have to direct their thoughts.All people in emotional distress do not understand the power they possess to direct their own thoughts and therefore their emotions and actions. 

Your homework:
Become more conscious of the content of your conscious mind.
  1. How much time do you spend thinking that your future will be worse than the present?
  2. How much time do you spend thinking that the future will be better than the present?
  3. How much time do you spend thinking that you are not up to the challenges that face you?
  4. How much time do you spend thinking that you are fully capable to overcome the challenges that face you?
Choose your thoughts carefully because they determine your:
  1. Levels of confidence
  2. Levels of motivation
  3. The direction of your actions
  4. Your ultimate destiny
And by an act of consciousness and will power, you can choose your thoughts. If you choose your thoughts wisely and maintain that control for hours, months, years and decades, then you will gain mastery over your environment. If you don't take control over your own mind, then you will become the puppet of your environment. 

Examples of people who seemed to understand and put into practice the power of the self fulfilling prophecy. Confident, strong minded thoughts tend to bring good results:
  1. Winston Churchill
  2. Napoleon Bonaparte
  3. Madame Curie
  4. JF Kennedy
  5. Mohammed Ali
As a leader manager, strive to use the power of the self fulfilling prophecy to your own advantage.

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