Moviez Phase



Thursday, January 22, 2015

Why You Should Never Give Up

 Why You Should Never Give Up

 Do you ever feel like you are running on empty and can’t encounter one more obstacle – that you just want to give up?

I know how your commitment can be tested time and time again and how it is almost easier to turn your optimism into pessimism when you wake up day after day without seeing the change that you hope to have seen by this point in your life.

It can be almost debilitating to your psyche and spirit to face the reality that all of your hard work seems to have counted for nothing - am I right? This can easily enough be a reason to throw in the towel and call it quits, but stop right there – will you?

I want you to think about why you started. I want you to think of what you’re after and how much your dreams mean to you. Perseverance leads to the passion that you put behind every day activities, after all. If you’re anything like me, I bet you swore to yourself that you would die trying – so why are you even going to entertain the thought of quitting?

When we reach the point on our path when our truth is tested and it seems as if all of our struggle will never turn into success, we must ask ourselves some questions.

What led you to this moment? What's your biggest motivator? What is success – anyways? Are we plugged into what society calls success or our own personal value system? And what do you see for yourself – what are your soul’s dreams?

When we can break down our anxieties into simple questions, we can experience a deeper understanding of why we began in the first place. We are then able to remember that the perseverance within gives us the ability to overcome set back after set back and allows us to dig deep into our personal well of power and give it all we’ve got. This understanding reignites the flame that fuels us and we find our spirit kicked into re-start.

So, can I tell you something? What you are after is what you deserve – and your frustrations and anxieties while hitting a road bump don’t define you. If anything, you should let them redefine you.

You started what you’re after for a reason and I don’t ever want you to lose sight of this simple truth. Keep it in the back of your mind as you’re paving the road with experience.

Experience is the pavement of your own sidewalk to personal freedom. And your perseverance has gotten you right here, right now.

Don't ever back down from your truth,

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